Tuesday, 11 January 2011


Well, well, well. I have been very busy recently, so busy infact, that I didn't have any time to update my blog.
I was the hostess with the mostess for christmassy time and hogmanany party, unfortunately only Daisy could come for hogmanay, but I opened the invite to human friends so I still got lots of cuddles!
Christmas day was exciting, it started early, with a bird bigger than me in the kitchen. I had to wait until my chef had cooked it to taste it, so all day I was teased with the good smells. Daisy, Archie and Rory came over for the day, we got lots of cuddles, treats and a good meal at tea time.

I was soooooo tired after that day though, I found a good place to curl up and snooooze.

Uncle Rory is staying at the moment, so I had better get off as he is about to start one of this legendary stories of the old'n'days!

Until next time darlings

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